
About Me

I'm Chantal: mother to 2 beautiful kids, pharmacist, spiritualist, 
aspiring novelist (although this has been put on the back burner
since baby Dylan came along 6 months ago!) and ugly duckling 
home renovator. 
And now wife to meat free, dairy free, gluten free Matt.
Supermarket shopping for Matt is not easy, particularly with a
3 year old and 6 month old in tow. There is only so much patience
a 3 year old can muster when it comes to Mummy having to
scan through the ingredients on 5 or 6 (or 10!) packets of 
frozen chips to find one vegan and gluten free, if one even 
exists. And my little boy - he has the patience of a saint, but 
even then there is only so much he can take. 
Reading food labels is time consuming - and we are all so busy
these days. Having pictures online of foods and their 
ingredients I deem 'safe' for Matt to eat will hopefully save 
those of you who are new to this world of food allergies some 
time too.